Thursday, Friday and Saturday we hung out at Siren Studios for Lucky Shops LA. The sale was a big success. The event was set up like a nice department store, with these big clear orange signs with the designer's name over their area.
It was my first time seeing such a big sign with my name on it! I was excited. We even had good placement right across from that other little bag designer Kate Spade, kitty corner from Foley & Corinna, and a few feet from Steven Alan. I should have asked if I could have my sign as a momento. Wow. Dork out. :)
Matilde and, our newest edition to the CViv crew, the fabulous Scott, held down the fort for most of the weekend. Mat looks like a veritable clutch rack in this pic.
Lots-o-CViv clutches
We had 1 Trop at the sale. It was gone very fast.
As soon as we closed up shop on Saturday, I headed over to
Taylor De Cordoba gallery for their 5-year anniversary. Each of their artists has one piece of art work in the the show. I was so honored to see a bunch of really lovely ladies carrying CViv that night. Above, is Lady
Simone LeBlanc with an orange
foldover clutch and Wren white blazer. Nice. KB had a clutch in her hand too, but you'll have to trust me on it.
The artists were in the house, for example, this is
Jeana Sohn with her CViv blue pebble oversize clutch. Jeana's piece sold that very evening. Not surprising though, she's unstoppable.
Gallery owner, and soon-to-be-bride,
Heather Taylor with blogger extraordinaire Amelia Morris. Yes, that is a navy minisac slung across Madame
Bon Appetempt's torso. By the way, if you haven't already read Amelia's post
In the Kitchen with Grandma, you've really got to set aside a moment to treasure it.

I met Meghan Pickrell, above, at the gallery and she was carrying a black pebble clutch she'd coincidentally gotten at the Lucky sale the day before and had met Matilde! The world is small. But wait! What's even crazier as that man she's with is her fiance who just happens to play soccer with le mari a few times a week. You know, one of those weird-o men's soccer leagues where they don't actually know one another at all, and don't try to be friends with one another either - which would never happen to a group of women as we'd go out for drinks after and tell each other about our entire lives. Anyway, I met Meghan, a lovely girl carrying my bag at the gallery and it turns out her Carlos knows my hubby - but only in soccer shorts and cleats and calls him by the name "Henri" (which is not his name) as he's French and a soccer player, comme Thierry Henri, mais bien sur! Very small world.
Jeana Sohn and
Lauren Soloff looked so chic and their big smiles are really the best accessory, well, after their clutches. ;)