I hadn't worn them since I purchased them from Mohawk General Store. Not even in Paris for which I supposedly got them. Then I realized that maybe I can't deal with them going up so high on my leg. They were already attention getters with ALL the buckles and platform, but they were a little too Adams Family for me. So, I took a pair of scissors to them. Voilà. A bit more subtle, still hot. Now I can wear them.

And it wasn't nearly as painful as cutting these.
I think they look better, now! Brave Lady!
Hmmm. Maybe there should be a VIVIER footwear line in the works...I'd be one of your first customers!
perfect! i like it better short.
You are brave to cut, but I'm with Jennifer and Jeana- they really do look better!
You are Fierce,
and I just received my bag in the mail today! LOVE it!!
Thank-you so much for the little chain print tote, too!
I just blogged about the bag-
hope you don't mind.
clare - you amaze me! they are beyond. beyond!
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