Two days before I left for France this summer, Daily Candy was scheduled to run a deal on my bags (mentioned below.) A week before I left though, I called them and said, "is there anyway we can do this when I get back?" Yes, they said, no problem. Now that the deal ran this week, I'm absolutely positive that I wouldn't have been able to handle the response a couple of days before leaving the country. It's been C.R.A.Z.Y. I was still riding the RS page wave when this hit and it felt like a tsunami for a company my size. Petite, that is.
Also, there was some press that came out. Also, there was my first order for a lux department store - my first dept store period, but so happy it's a good one.
Also, and this is the biggest of alsos, a lovely editor of a major, super lovely magazine contacted me (!) to come over to see my digs and wares next week. So very very excited. But what in the world am I going to wear?
(dingue means crazy. "dinge" how it was originally written, doesn't mean anything at all. Merci mari - a little late ;)
Congrats on all of the attention, Claire. You certainly deserve it. Your bags and accessories are beautiful, well made. Just proves that luxury & great design doesn't have to cost scads of money.
Sooo excited to get mine in the post.
I have no doubt you'll figure out a killer outfit to wear for your magazine date!
You deserve all the success coming your way!!! Happy to be an early supporter. STILL only using my la tropezienne. xoxoxo
Clare - I'm a personal stylist and a lover of your bags. I would love to offer my personal styling services to you so that for your next shoot or meeting with the 'big wigs', you're ready to go.
Check out my website at http://www.blueprintforstyle.com and let me know what you think!!
I'd love to lend a helping hand....
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