I'm home, thoroughly jet lagged, but so happy to have picked up the new Real Simple magazine at the grocery store today and see this picture of my
Navy Messenger bag! I knew it was in the mag this month as I'd seen a little picture of it online (and I'd gotten quite a few orders of the bag while I was away, thank god for Else back at the HQ doing the shipping, etc.) but I had no idea how gorgeous the picture was for reals.
HBT called it bag porn. Half page, heh! Love it. And a gorgeous spread in general due to the talents of Fashion Editor Karen Kozlowski.
I saw the bag in the magazine and hopped right over to your website to view it. I really want to get it because I love the colour! (The turquoise isn't too bad either!)
Congratulations on getting featured on Real Simple. :)
It looks luscious. I really want to invest in one of your pieces for fall/ winter. So hard to choose.
Navy Messenger or La Trop???
BEAUTIFUL!!! aspirational picture.
ooh i saw this an was drooling.
this is my fall bag. for sure.
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