Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Snowing for AW12

I'm in NY and it has just started snowing. Oh how I'd love to have it be a full-blown snow storm. I've only seen the city covered in a blanket of fluffy white once before and, being a MN girl, I thought it was magical. 
I'm here for presentation of Fall 2012 and meetings. It always seems so far off when we're talking in fashion calendar speak, never really sinks in, and then before you know it, you're in production and shipping that which seemed so far away. I won't be able to see any shows, but I was able to attend Steven Alan's Fall 2012 presentation and I loved loved loved it. So many wearable, smart, chic pieces. So many things I wanted to wear right then and there. Much better pictures from behinds the scenes are  here and from in front of the scenes here

p.s. my house is on Apartment Therapy now


Anonymous said...

I love your home Claire. Beautiful, charming, and cozy.

Anonymous said...

your home is FABULOUS! Comfortable and chic - this actually is such a hard blend to master! thanks for sharing!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Clare-just saw AW12 at SA Showroom and it looks amazing. Best, Alice ( A.Cheng )